Historical Fantasy

All posts tagged Historical Fantasy

More authors and reviews – Above the Cut-

Published November 28, 2023 by paulandpaulasbooks

Paul and Paula’s Book WordPress site has been going for years – through fruitful, dire, and tragic years. My ups and downs were reflected in my absence or being frenzied.

I finally got a stable internet that was majorly rebuilt, as a cyclonic flood and wind storm decimated the old service.

I was tethered for several months to a son’s mobile, and when he left for work, so did my ability to write.

I am old school but no longer can write by hand due to strokes in my thirties and fifties. Early in my life, my first purchase from wages at an after-school job was a secondhand but totally functional Underwood typewriter. So, I have always preferred a tool to help my hands. They are tech hands, not piano hands.

All my business courses were geared toward office secretarial, where I always ended up being elevated into an administrator role unless I was doing my own business, which had the majority as typing. I was given a Secretarial Award as Secretary of the year with a small scholarship and a scholarship by my home town merchants followed by another scholarship that was a yearly gift to the college from one of my bosses with the stipulation I received the first year’s donation.

My keyboard skills are no where they were when i graduated at typing from live dictation or at a steady pace – even looking up word spellings – of 110 to 130 and if taking shorthand also at that pace.

But even after I graduated to a Selectric typewriter and my scores were closer to 200 – those days are behind, they were replaced with creativity and my pace is when I get sidestep needs finished, and sit with doors closed, and ignore interruptions as best I can… or at least hold onto the thought I was typing next.

I have been reading authors that I’ve had the books for years or saw them as co-authors in groups I’ve also been in for years. My only regret is I have not read them in previous years. I am back to doing interviews of authors that peaked my interest and kept me reading into the night.

My Above the Cut in reviews are back – I was able to eke out one on Holly Jacobs an all favorite author of diverse fiction. I am truly hooked on her joyful romances that cover ordinary people seemingly with problems that are tough but solved by the character overcoming. They are family oriented

Coming up this month and into the Christmas holidays are an eclectic cast of authors –

Anita Rodgers – mystery, suspense, series I just found her books

Len Boswell, Fantasy using casts of historical characters and situations and seeing it completely out of this world.

Mike Faricy – I fell into his gangster series and did not come up for air until done, – his stuff is quirky

More to come